Have you ever relocated for a job before? If you have, then you already know that that process is no walk in the park. Now, imagine relocating and at the same time, trying to sell my house fast in Houston, Texas. What are your odds of running insane?
First off, moving is costly. It’s never been cheap. Secondly, selling my home quickly in Houston, Texas, is difficult. Always has been. And now, you have to find a way to settle your kids in new schools, and make sure your spouse is on board! To be honest, you need help. The kind of help that you can only get from professionals such as We Buy Fast Houston Houses.
To make the whole process a lot easier, companies normally offer something we call a “relocation package,” to buffer the upfront expenses. But these packages aren’t what they used to be in the past. After the global economic meltdown, they had to be revised because firms were struggling to stay afloat. We Buy Fast Houston Houses visited the archives to learn more about how the job relocation process works, and how you should negotiate with your employer in the event you’re transferred to a different city like Houston, Texas.
a. Full-service moving expenses
Aside from the real estate agent’s commission, your moving costs will most likely be the biggest expense on your budget list. So while negotiating with your employer, you should make sure they understand that that has to be covered.
An in-state move will be cheaper than a full-service inter-state move. But that will also depend on the kind of items you have. If you have fragile items like a piano, you’ll definitely have to pay more even if you’re just moving to a different neighborhood in Houston, Texas.
b. Temporary stay rentals
Selling.moving, and buying a new home in Houston, Texas, are all strenuous process. And that’s why you’ll find families renting for a while, before finally purchasing a permanent Houston, TX, home. Go ahead and ask your employer a 3-month-rental assistance while you sort things out. there’s nothing unreasonable about that. They’ll understand you need to ease the stress of resettling your family.
c. Real estate commission coverage
Did you know the realtors commission normally account for about 6% of the final sale price? and depending on the price of my house in Houston, Texas, this costs can equal the moving cost. How crazy is that? So negotiating to also get this covered would be a smart thing to do.
d. Car rental
Will you be moving with the entire family, or will you be going ahead? If the plan is to leave the family behind, and they usually use the family car to commute to school and work, you’ll have to leave them with a rental car if public transportation is not an option. Break down the costs and present them at the negotiation table.
What about the home selling process?
We Buy Fast Houston Houses has got you covered on that front. If you’re looking to sell fast, just reach out to us and we will make it happen.