Upgrades To Sell My Home In Summer

Most people argue that spring time is the best time to sell my home and summer is a bit challenging since most of the families are away on vacation. However, just because selling in summer is not a good idea doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Here are four improvements  I can make to my home this season, which will increase my chances to sell my home fast and also closer to the price I want.

Clean the exterior

When most people are looking for a home, they often want one that’s easy to take care of, and one that they can move in with confidence that the previous owner took good care of it too. The only way to give this impression to the potential buyers is by giving plenty attention to your home’s exterior and by cleaning it up properly. You can achieve this by weeding the paths, washing the windows, cleaning the walls and replacing all the missing downspouts. They may sound like little actions, but they will have a huge impact in the long run.

Paint your exterior

If you have owned or lived in your home for a long time, the paint on your windows and doors can chip off or fade. New paint can be applied quickly on the weekend, and it will have a significant effect that will encourage the potential home buyers to take another look at your home.


After cleaning and painting the exterior, you should think about landscaping. You don’t have to spend much money but invest some extra time to ensure that the exterior of your home looks excellent. You can turn the soil in your garden, plant some flowers, add mulch around all trees, apply weed killers and some fertilizer to enhance grass growth. You can also plant a bush or several of them. Again, you don’t have to be extravagant to have a huge impact.

Add a deck

This home upgrade may seem like much, but it’s possible to add a small deck that’s affordable to your courtyard. Adding a deck will make your patio look more appealing and ready for barbecues. Some of the sellers may flinch at the expenses involved, but because it’s the difference between selling now and later, the hassle might be worth it.

While the winter blues can make you want to have home upgrades, in many instances, summer is the best time to make such improvements. Although during summer all attention shifts outdoors, all summer home upgrades do not have to be consigned to the backyard. The above home improvements are perfect for summer, and you should consider them to enable you to sell your home fast. These improvements will help you to speed up the sale of your house a little bit, and you will be glad that you did it in the long run.

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